Taaltopics argumenteren 9789001809485
ISBN: 9789001809485Dit boek leert je hoe je in je teksten en presentaties je publiek kunt overtuigen. Inclusief toegang tot een ondersteunende website met extra studie-...
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Schoolpedagogiek(e-book) 9789001827908
ISBN: 9789001827908Van dit artikel (9789001827908 / Schoolpedagogiek(e-book)) is nog geen omschrijving beschikbaar.Dit artikel bestel je voordelig 2e hands op studystor...
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Macro economische ontwikkelingen en 9789001876791
ISBN: 9789001876791Kennis van de economische omstandigheden en de invloed op resultaten van een onderneming is voor een manager uiterst belangrijk. Macro-economische on...
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Toegepaste organisatiekunde 9789001876975
ISBN: 9789001876975Toegepaste organisatiekunde is een zeer populaire inleiding op het gebied van Organisatiekunde. Dit toegankelijke standaardwerk reikt je de grondbegi...
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Talk German Enhanced eBook (with audio) - 9781406677065
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Advanced Paediatric Life Support: the 9781444330595
ISBN: 9781444330595This international bestselling book on acute paediatric care is thecoursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group s AdvancedPaediatric Life Support (...
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Electronic Commerce 2018 9783319587141
ISBN: 9783319587141This new Edition of Electronic Commerce is a complete update of the leading graduate level/advanced undergraduate level textbook on the subject. Ele...
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Multinationale Befehlsausgabe met e-book 9783802964589
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An Introduction to English Grammar 9781138855496
ISBN: 9781138855496 An Introduction to English Grammar provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of English grammar. The first part of the book (`The Grammar\') ...
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Teach yourself the basics of aspen plus 9780470567951
ISBN: 9780470567951 Aspen Plus is on of the most popular process simulation software programs used industrially and academically. Though the software is available at ma...
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Are you smart enough to work at google?: 9781851689170
ISBN: 9781851689170You are shrunk to the height of a penny and thrown in a blender. The blades start moving in sixty seconds. What do you do? If you want to work at Goo...
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Financial Accounting and Reporting : A Global 9781473740235
ISBN: 9781473740235Now in its fifth edition, this respected and widely used book provides an essential introduction to financial accounting and reporting for business a...
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Market leader upper intermediate coursebook & 9781408291696
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Privaatrecht(e-book) 9789001886363
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1 maand bookchoice uitproberen, 8 e-books en luisterboeken
1 maand bookchoice uitproberen, 8 e-books en luisterboekenNa 1 maand stopt het abonnement automatisch.Zie de website voor de boeken van deze maand, je kan ook al...
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New interface blue label 2 coursebook 9789006151589
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Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by 9781422161982
ISBN: 9781422161982Corporate executives struggle to harness the power of social technologies. Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube are where customers discuss products and...
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Akka Essentials 9781849518284
ISBN: 9781849518284Developers/Architects need to manage the fine balance between the ever increasing load and ever decreasing response latency. Applications need to be ...
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Electric machines and drives 9781118074817
ISBN: 9781118074817 Mohans Electric Machines and Drives is part of a three-book series designed for the power sequence electives on Electrical Engineering. The book foc...
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Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 9780702071676
ISBN: 9780702071676 Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, now in its fifth edition, offers medical students all they need to know to become safe and effective prescr...
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